VOD Job List
Displaying the Jobs List
To display the list of the jobs:
On the left-hand navigation bar click the Encode Jobs item and then click on VOD. The Job List is displayed.
The following information is displayed for each job:
Job ID: Click the "v" icon to sort the Job IDs in ascending or descending order.
Job Names: User-speciified Job Name.
Manifest URL: Auto-assigned HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) or MPEG DASH Manifest URL that enables the stream to be played in any compatible player. To copy the URL:
Highlight the text and right click copy.
To exit the URL information display, click OK.
Duration: Source content duration.
Catalogue Status: Enabled/Disabled.
Status: Encode status: Encode Successful/Encode Unsuccessful.
Filtering the Jobs List
About Job filtering
Assets can be searched and filtered, using the filtering tools:
Searching for a Job
To search for a Job:
Enter a full or partial name of job in the Job Name field. Any results are displayed.
Setting and performing a Jobs List filter
To set a filter:
The following fields can be specified as filters:
Job Name: Name of VOD asset.
Job ID: Job ID of the VOD asset.
Type of Packaging:
Byterange: Defined by a range of bytes
TS Chunks: Transport Stream Chunks
Webm: Media file
Content ID: Content ID of the VOD asset.
Date of Creation: Date of the creation of the VOD asset.
To perform a filter operation:
Job List Overview
The following job operations can also be performed from the VOD Job List:
See Create a VOD Job.
To start a new VOD Job, by duplicating the settings of an existing VOD job:
In the Job List, check the checkbox to the left of the Job ID of the job that matches the specifications of the new job that is to be created.
Open the copied job and edit the settings as required as per Creating a VOD (Video on Demand) Job.
Click the Encode icon. The new VOD Job encodes with the Encode status displayed in the Status column.
View completed VOD Job Details
To view the details of a VOD Job:
In the Job List, click the Job ID of the VOD Job. The following is displayed:
The following fields are displayed:
Title (Mandatory): The Title of the VOD Job. This field can be edited.
Packaging: Packaging, as set in the encode. Not editable.
Show on apps: Enable - show on V-Nova applications with same login, i.e webplayer.
Content ID: Assigned when the encode is performed. Not editable.
Edit Title
To edit the Title:
In the Title field, enter the new Title.
To delete a job:
When the confirmation popup appears: Click Cancel to cancel the operation, or OK to perform the operation. If OK has been selected, then the VOD Job is deleted from the Jobs List.
Last updated